Some Assembly Required Series, Part 3 - You Belong - 1 Corinthians 12:14-20
Permission to podcast/stream/reprint the music & liturgy in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-728698. All rights reserved Unless otherwise stated, all hymns are from Christian Worship A Lutheran Hymnal, and Christian Worship: Supplement Hymn # Details 339 Today Your Mercy Calls Us Copyright: Public domain Text: Oswald Allen, 1816-78, alt. Tune: Anthes; Friedrich K. Anthes, 1812-after 1857 389 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me Copyright: public domain Text: Augustus M. Toplady, 1740-78, alt. Tune: Toplady, Thomas Hastings, 1784-1872 103 Glory Be to Jesus (not sung) Copyright: public domain Text: Italian Hymn, 18th century, abr.; tr. Edward Caswall, 1814-78, alt. Tune: Wem In Leidenstagen; Friedrich Filitz, 1804-76 372 I Lay My Sins on Jesus Copyright: public domain Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89, alt. Tune: Aurelia; Samuel S. Wesley, 1810-76 309 Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord Copyright: public domain Text: Latin hymn, 7th century, abr.; tr. John M. Neale, 1818-66, alt. Tune: Old 124th; Trente quatre Pseaumes de David, Geneva, 1551, alt. Setting: ©1993 Elfred Bloedel 331 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Copyright: public domain Text: William Williams, 1717-91, abr.; tr. Peter Williams, 1722-96, st. 1; William Williams, st. 2-3 Tune: Guide Me; George W. Warren, 1828-1902