Sunday School

Our Sunday School meets on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall, from the Sunday after Labor Day to the Sunday before Memorial Day weekend. Children from age three through 8th grade are invited to attend our Sunday School.

Each week Sunday School begins with an opening devotion from the pastor. The children then learn a Bible story or focus on a Biblical principle, sometimes all together as a large group and sometimes divided into smaller groups by age. We use interactive teaching techniques and hands-on activities to help the children learn and remember the lesson of the day. We end with music time, where everyone joins together to bring praise to God with their voices and musical instruments.

The Sunday School children have opportunities to be involved in the church worship service throughout the year. The children sing during the church service several times a year, and on Christmas Eve a special service is held with the Sunday School children telling the story of the Christ Child's birth in words and song.

We have a dedicated and talented Sunday School staff who is committed to helping to teach your child Biblical truths.
We welcome members and non-members alike to Sunday School. Parents are invited to join the Adult Bible Class during Sunday School, and of course parents are always welcome to drop in on a Sunday School class with their child.